Just when you thought 2012 was trying so hard to be 2020, the Pentagon dropped the mother of bombs — The Aliens; 2020’s next move, #ALIENSEXIST
Aliens exist, (UFO) video footage released by the Pentagon
The Pentagon has released three classified videos of what they call the unidentified flying phenomena in outer space on April 27, Monday. These videos are grainy and show what the US Navy encounters as the unidentified flying objects (UFO).
The Pentagon claims that it has released the following footage to clear and avoid any misconceptions that may arise due to the circulating videos as to its legitimacy or to know if there was more to the surfaced videos.
A statement from the department of defense website stated that,
“After a thorough review, the department has determined that the authorized release of these unclassified videos does not reveal any sensitive capabilities or systems, and does not impinge on any subsequent investigations of military air space incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena”
Now, it is a questionable action by the Pentagon amidst a global pandemic. Is it possible they have released the footage to distract people away from the real problem? The photos were circulating the internet in 2007 and 2017, causing rumors about their legitimacy.
The $64,000 question: WHY is the Pentagon releasing #aliensexist in the middle of a pandemic? https://t.co/nKlek0OaU9
— Liz Gruder (@LizGruder) April 28, 2020
The 2004 video shows an incident that happened 100 miles out over the Pacific, according to the New York Times.
Two Navy fighter pilots found an oblong object hovering above the water. Just when people were convinced that this year couldn’t get any more bizarre or unfortunate, the resurfacing of these bizarre footages on the internet was predicted by the famous American sitcom.
The Simpsons who’ve also been accurate in predicting a pandemic. This year has been a rollercoaster ride, brace yourselves for the next big surprise.
If Simpsons say #AliensExist alien exists. The Simpsons haven’t lied yet. pic.twitter.com/f6T9Khp10r
— Rishabh Sharma (@im_srishabh21) April 28, 2020